by pat howard

Posts Tagged ‘Andy Rooney’

A retraction

In Uncategorized on July 18, 2009 at 9:42 pm

Blogging is a game with few rigid rules, unlike its more established journalistic counterparts. One of the problems of being your own editor is not having a second opinion on posts like the one I dashed off last night regarding Andy Rooney’s comments on the passing of broadcasting legend Walter Cronkite, who died Friday at age 92. I implied that Rooney was more concerned about himself than the passing of his colleague; it was regrettable.

Thanks to reader Arnie G. for calling me out, and providing a concise history of Cronkite’s close relationship with Rooney. As someone who was born after Cronkite’s heyday and only knows Rooney from his curmudgeonly 60 Minutes segments, it was a welcome lesson. I apologize for the thoughtless remark, and I hope it doesn’t happen again.

A CBS News retrospective on Cronkite airs Sunday at 7p/6c.