by pat howard

Posts Tagged ‘Merchandising’

TOYS | Moment of marketing

In Fox on December 1, 2008 at 6:32 pm

I was perusing the games section at my local big box retailer last week for a varation on a game they did not have. However, in my investigation, I uncovered the home version of Fox’s awful game show/public embarrassment outlet The Moment of Truth.

At a suggested price of roughly $20, you can supposedly lie-detect your friends and family at home with a “biometric lie detector” that “measures your body temperature and stress level.” This sounds like a crock, of course. If it’s so simple, they can box it up, what’s with all the lights and wires on the TV version?

If anyone’s played this, I’d be curious to hear how well it works (or doesn’t). The only insight provided by Amazon customers so far comes from one person who admittedly plays the game while under the influence of alcohol, which seems like it might affect the biometric readings, among other things.

On a positive note, I did get the Seinfeld Scene It game with a gift card someone gave me, and it has been quite entertaining, if a little too easy. Also, the knockoff theme music on the accompanying DVD is just different enough to be grating. On the whole, though, I’m pleased. It’s a fun interactive Seinfeld clip show.