by pat howard

Archive for August 2nd, 2007|Daily archive page

BB8 | ‘House Calls’: Mystery of the Missing Massey

In Big Brother, CBS, House Calls, Internet, Talk Shows on August 2, 2007 at 10:51 pm

FROM THE COMMENTS | “I think [Gretchen Massey] watches the show. She’s just not good at figuring things out (or acting like it, to play devil’s advocate and make the show seem less predictable), which makes House Calls all the more entertaining. I hope she’s just out during the week or sick or something and will be back soon.” – Bart

Fear not, Bart. Sounds like we can rest assured that Gretchen isn’t gone for good.

She’ll return next week, according to Bunky, who co-hosted today’s House Calls with regular Thursday guest Kaysar.

BB8 | After Dark Update (8/2; contains HoH spoiler)

In Big Brother: After Dark, ShoToo on August 2, 2007 at 10:38 pm
  • Nick was the fourth houseguest evicted by a vote of 7 to 2
  • Both Zach and Eric, America’s Player, voted for Nick to stay
  • After a dramatic battle with Kail, Daniele is the new head of household…

SCHEDULE ALERT | After Dark is slotted until 3:05 a.m./ET tonight, giving the show five extra live minutes inside the Big Brother house.