by pat howard

Archive for August 9th, 2007|Daily archive page

BB8 | After Dark Update (8/9; contains spoilers)

In Big Brother: After Dark, ShoToo on August 9, 2007 at 10:02 pm
  • After a last minute change of heart from Dustin, Eric was saved from eviction by a vote of 4-3, making Kail the fifth player voted out of the house
  • Shocked by the vote, Dick lashed out at his fellow houseguests, only to be put in his place by Jameka, who was outraged by his incessant bullying
  • Fearing that she and her dad are next to go, Daniele is devastated
  • Jessica is head of household, and her nominations will be made tomorrow…

LATE UPDATE | Things got intense tonight, with Dick making an ass of himself by berating Amber and Jameka about the quality of their faith and the existence of a god. Jameka uncharacteristically resorted to some childish tactics during her confrontation with ‘Evel,’ but both she and Amber seem to have accepted his harsh words as his mean ol’ m.o. The argument that both girls are liars is misleading at best, a typical Dick move: question your opponent’s honor by using whatever you can against them. The house seems to be leaning pretty heavily toward a Dick nomination/eviction this week, but if you don’t like the way things are looking in the BB house, wait 24 hours and they’ll probably change.

NOTED | Friday’s After Dark Update will be posted Saturday afternoon.

BB8 | A nail-biter of a live vote (contains primetime spoilers)

In Big Brother, Big Brother: After Dark, CBS, ShoToo, The Chenbot on August 9, 2007 at 9:00 pm

Eric’s nerve-wracking turn on the nomination block began last week when a plane flew a banner over the Big Brother house, giving Daniele, last week’s HoH, the idea that he was up to something. She and her dad could never quite figure it all out, but that didn’t stop them from taking a stand against Eric.

But during tonight’s live show, the Donatos learned that the house isn’t exactly behind them after all. By a vote of 4-3, Kail, America’s Pawn, was evicted from the Big Brother house, leaving Eric safe for at least another week. Moments later, Jessica, one of Eric’s strongest allies in the house, won the HoH competition and the power for this week. (Eric might’ve gained control himself, but for a fuckup by The Chenbot.)

The house has been turned on its head and America’s Player lives to compete again. Maybe the nation of Big Brother devotees who vote will take their second chance and try to help Eric instead of hurting him from here on out.

Here’s the vote breakdown, btw:

  • Votes to evict Kail: Dustin, Amber, Jameka and Jessica
  • Votes to evict Eric: Dick, Zach and Jen

It’s shaping up to be another interesting week in the Big Brother house, despite an outside instigator’s best efforts. Big Brother 8 has been addictive, rewarding television; kudos to the casting people, producers, and especially the amazing editors, who give us such unintentionally hilarious juxtapositions as Jameka praying while Jen complained about the accessories on her bunny constume.

BB8 SPOILER PLANE GROUNDED | Lawyers for Endemol USA have sent a cease and desist letter to the owner of the plane

LATER TONIGHT | BB8 After Dark Update – headlines, spoilers and speculation from the live feeds on ShoToo

As ‘The Real World’ turns…

In Casting, MTV, Primetime Emmys, Reality TV, Trends on August 9, 2007 at 8:36 pm

The nineteenth installment of MTV’s signature once-‘original’ reality show just invaded Sydney on the cable institution last night, but the cable titan is already in production on another season of the show.

Details on a 20th go-around, The Real World: Hollywood, are trickling out. The two twists for the upcoming cycle are en vogue right now, a concession that Real is following the trends now rather than setting them. First, they’re rolling out the ‘green carpet’ and trying to make the house environmentally friendly. Also, the 20th season, which is set to begin production in L.A. soon, will feature the first fan-chosen cast member, Pretyboy.

OUT OF HAND? | The Academy put its foot down on the whole green campaign, rejecting the idea of replacing the red carpet at next month’s primetime Emmys with a green one